Player Input

This devlog focuses on player input in to the game and its prerequisites such as creating spawners.

To get this working, I have implemented a spawner for each side, troop movement so that troops move when they are spawned, and a shop for the player to choose what should be spawned.

For the shop, a menu is displayed showing a list of all troops that can be bought and the stats (HP, attack damage, etc) of the selected troop.

The behaviour of a troop is currently:

  • Walk forward until an enemy comes into range
  • Search for the closest enemy with priority to the y axis (so that all troops don’t choose the same enemy) and target it
  •  Walk towards their target until they come into attack range
  • Attack their target

The behaviour of a spawner is currently:

  • Receive player input via the shop menu
  • Waiting for the spawn timer to hit 0
  • Spawning as many of the selected troop as the player can afford
  • Reset timer to 30 seconds

For temporary visuals, an animation of a stick figure has been used for troops as a place holder until something more suitable can be stolen.

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Sep 20, 2022